Meet the Team - Saniya

Introducing, Saniya, our lead designer. Saniya grew up in India, where her love for coconuts was born. It was followed by an immense love for reading and creative pursuits, but her priorities have always been clear. 

Photography was Saniya's initial creative passion in life. It started as a modest fascination, as all obsessions do, and gradually evolved into a profound affection for crafting art in diverse mediums. The magic of bringing her imaginative visions to life in tangible form always captivated her.

It wasn't long before Photoshop captured her attention, becoming the next thrilling adventure. The digital landscape and all the tools it offers helped unlock a new dimension of creativity, and all the endless possibilities it brought with it.

Although the virtual realm possessed its own charm, Saniya's desire to craft tangible, physical objects remained strong. Her journey began with crafting enchanting props for photoshoots, but it didn't end there. From laser-cutting a wooden infinity mirror that responds to one's heartbeat to designing a custom-tiered lamp that cleverly doubles as a clothing rack, she fearlessly delved into various creative endeavours!

If you ever find yourself captivated by a realm where imagination knows no limits and creativity reigns supreme, rest assured that our resourceful adventurer will be there to lead the way.

We’re grateful to have Saniya on our team!


Semi-Finalist of Black Ambition Prize by Pharrell


Meet The Team - Ari